Simple Serial Monitor

Simple Serial Monitor is yet another stand alone replacement for the Arduino serial monitor. It is text only and is far from being a fully fledged terminal app. It does have a couple of features that make it a little better than the regular Arduino serial monitor, especially when used with UART modules like the … Read more

Arduino and Visual Basic Part 3: Send And Receive Serial Data Between An Arduino And Visual Basic

Although Part 2 was more advanced than part 1, part 2 still only sent data one-way, from the Arduino to the Visual Basic app, and the data was very basic. It’s time to spice things up with more complex commands and 2-way communication. Although I used the sketch and Visual Basic app from the previous … Read more

HM-10 Programmable Pins

The HM-10 has 10 pins that can be user controlled, a couple are input only, the others can be input or output. Unfortunately, the pins we can control are not available on the breakout board so we need to attach a connection directly to the actual HM-10 (the small daughter board). Pin function The pins … Read more

HM-10: Add A Second Custom Characteristic

HM-10: Add a second Custom Characteristic By default the HM-10 comes with a single custom characteristic under a custom service. A second write only characteristic can be added using the “AT+FFE2” command. “AT+FFE2” was added in firmware 5.45 and extended in version 5.50. The second custom characteristic only has a WRITE property no READ and … Read more

HM-10 As An iBeacon

What is a iBeacon You can think of a iBeacon as an electronic light house. It simply sends out timed signal letting people know it is there. When an app on a mobile device constantly finds a signal it can react is a specific way. For example, in a shop a special discount may be … Read more

HM-10: Use An Arduino To Talk To A HM-10

Have a HM-10 and want a chat with it? You need to know what to say and how to say it. Let’s try talking to a HM-10 with some of the more common AT commands Note: AT commands only work when the HM-10 is not connected to another wireless device. After a connection is made … Read more

HM-10: Updating the firmware

Note: Updating the firmware is non-reversable. Once you issue the OK+SBLUP command there is no going back.

There have been a lot of firmware updates since I originally did this post so I thought it was time to have an update. Updating the updating as you will.

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Buying Bluetooth Modules

It’s been a while since I have done any real in depth tests on new Bluetooth modules. I keep buying them but never find the time to play with them, and fror my own projects I have started to move away from using Bluetooth and into using web apps (ESP82666 and ESP32). For the times … Read more