Soleniod Valves

Solenoid valves are used to control the flow of liquids and gasses and they are an ideal way to create water drops. To get started I purchased a small range of different solenoids with the intention of testing them out and seeing which was the best. Solenoids

The first one on the left is a Chinese copy of the Shako PU220AR. The Shako PU220AR is recommend by several people online. See below.

Solenoid Valve

You can see more information about the Shako PU220AR (and also water drop photography) on Kevin Lewis’s site and also on Wayne Fulton’s site. Wayne Fulton has a very good article on solenoid valve precision tests.

The other solenoids are supposedly fast solenoids but I have not tried them yet. All were purchased from Taobao (Taobao is like a Chinese version of ebay but much cheaper). I went for these models because they already had nozzles.

To create a water drop you need to open and close the solenoid valve very quickly. In the range of mill-seconds. Using the Arduino to control the solenoid valve it is simple a case of setting a pin high for the appropriate amount of time. There is, however, a caveat, the solenoid works at a different voltage to the Arduino and you cannot directly connect the two. In this case a TIP120 transistor is used as a bridge.

The TIP120 allows a small voltage (from the Arduino) to switch a larger voltage (12V to the solenoid). It can be thought of as a switch, applying a current to  B allows current to flow between C to E.

The two middle solenoids are not suitable for water drops. The nozzles are too small and not enough water comes out.
The ones at the ends are good though.

For everything solenoid related visit

Next: Controlling a Solenoid Valve from an Arduino



4 thoughts on “Soleniod Valves”

  1. That’s so interesting! I didn’t know what a solenoid was and that it controlled water. It’s really cool that you are able to control one of those using an Arduino board. It looks like an interesting experiment that I think I would want to try one of these times.

  2. The best solenoids, used professionally, are by Burkert.
    Expensive but extremely reliable.
    Used many in industry and not one ever failed in use.


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